At Restorative Education, I apply my knowledge of mental health, learning, and behavior to help children, adolescents, and young adults succeed academically, socially, emotionally, and behaviorally. I collaborate with families, schools, and other professionals to foster supportive learning environments. I also provide evaluative services directly related to learning problems. That is, I provide data collection and assessment on cognitive, academic, behavior, motivation, and personality factors related to learning.
Who I Am
Hello! My name is Polly Long. I opened Restorative Education in November of 2021. At this time, I am the sole practitioner at Restorative Education.
I am a Professional-Level Educational Therapist and Nationally Certified School Psychologist. As a school psychologist, I am licensed by the Ohio Board of Psychology and the Ohio Board of Education. As an Educational Therapist, I understand individuals learning challenges and the behaviors individuals use to work around them. As a School Psychologist, I have extensive training in data collection and analysis, prevention and intervention services, risk and resilience factors, crisis response and intervention, and diversity (ability, age, gender, race, ethnicity, culture, social class) in development and learning.